Take Action
Whether you marched on January 21, or are inspired after watching the film, here’s how to stay involved, and affect change. More details and videos are coming soon!
1. Engage in politics – locally and nationally.
Use your voice! Know your elected officials, and let them hear your opinions. These are your representatives, so be sure to let them know how you feel about issues that you care about.
- Identify your elected officials, and get their contact info at callmycongress.com
- Get all the details about voting in local and national elections at vote.org
- Track how your representatives are engaged on issues at votesmart.org
2. Flex your consumer power.
Flex your consumer power in favor of a more respectful, inclusive society. Boycott companies whose values don’t align with yours. Support smaller, local, and woman-owned businesses.
- Learn about how your consumer purchases can have a bigger impact at grabyourwallet.org
- Explore from where and whom your political representatives are funded at followthemoney.org
3. Attend events, gatherings, and actions.
Look out for upcoming marches, conferences, and huddles in your area. Events are a great way to educate yourself and others about human rights, and to meet other like-minded people who want to take action together.
- Search for “huddles” related to the Women’s March at womensmarch.com
- Save the date for local political and community events, like those at townhallproject.com
4. Volunteer your time and energy.
Find local non-profits and organizations who are already doing good work, and learn what you can do to help.
- Find a nonprofit that supports important work at volunteermatch.org
- Volunteer to work at a local polling station on election day at eac.gov/voters
- Identify a national or local nonprofit that you support, and simply reach out to offer your time and energy
5. Stay informed.
Follow a campaign that you are passionate about. Read articles from reputable news outlets, and set news alerts to keep yourself updated.
- Learn about our government and political systems with resources at usa.gov and constitutioncenter.org
- Get independent news from non-partisan newsrooms like propublica.org